The IRFZ44N Transistor is an N-channel MOSFET transistor manufactured by International Rectifier. This transistor delivers an optimal combination of fast switching speeds, rugged design, low on-resistance, and cost efficiency. The IRFZ44N comes in a TO-220AB package, which is widely favored for commercial and industrial applications requiring power dissipation levels up to approximately 50 W. Additionally, this transistor boasts low thermal resistance and an economical package cost.
Name: IRFZ44N Transistor
Type of Transistor: MOSFET
Type of Control Channel: N-Channel
Maximum Power Dissipation: 150 W
Maximum Drain-Source Voltage: 60 V
Maximum Drain Current: 35 A
Maximum Junction Temperature: 150 ?C
Maximum Drain-Source On-State Resistance: 0.028 Ohm
Operating Temperature: 175 ?C
Package: TO-220AB
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