
How to Build a Brushed Quadcopter: A Step by Step Guide

DIY quadcopter building process illustration:RoboNepal

Building a brushed quadcopter is an exciting project for drone enthusiasts and hobbyists alike. This step-by-step guide will walk you through each stage of creating your own quadcopter, from selecting the right components to making your first flight. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, this guide aims to provide you with the necessary knowledge and tips to successfully build and operate a brushed quadcopter.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the components is crucial for a successful build, including the frame, motors, and flight controller.
  • Proper assembly of the frame and secure mounting of components ensures stability and performance.
  • Electrical setup, including wiring and soldering, is fundamental for the functionality of the quadcopter.
  • Programming and calibration are essential for optimal flight control and performance.
  • Safety checks and adjustments post-assembly are necessary for a safe and enjoyable flying experience.

Understanding the Components

Frame and Material Selection

Selecting the right frame and material is crucial for the durability and performance of your quadcopter. Choose materials like carbon fiber or aluminum for a balance of weight and strength. Consider the size and shape based on the intended use of the quadcopter.

Motor Types and Installation

Different types of motors such as brushed and brushless are available. Brushed motors are typically cheaper and simpler to install. Ensure that the motor’s specifications match your quadcopter’s requirements for optimal performance.

Flight Controller Basics

The flight controller is the brain of the quadcopter, managing sensors and motor speed to stabilize the flight. Start with a basic model that supports essential functions and upgrade as needed for more complex maneuvers.

Assembling the Frame

Attaching Arms to the Chassis

To start, assemble the frame according to the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring the arms are securely attached to the center plate. Use zip ties or screws as recommended for added stability. Ensure all connections are tight and secure to prevent any structural failures during flight.

Securing Motors

Once the arms are in place, it’s time to attach the motors. Position each motor at the end of an arm and use the designated screws to secure them. Make sure the motors are aligned properly to ensure balanced flight dynamics.

Mounting the Flight Controller

The flight controller is the brain of your quadcopter. Mount it centrally on the frame to maintain balance. Use vibration-damping mounts to reduce the impact of motor vibrations on the flight controller’s sensors. This setup will help in achieving a stable flight.

Note: Always double-check all connections and mounts before moving to the next step of your quadcopter assembly.

Electrical Setup

Wiring Motors and ESCs

Wiring your motors and ESCs (Electronic Speed Controllers) is a critical step in building your quadcopter. Ensure all connections are secure and follow the correct polarity to avoid any damage. Here’s a basic guide:

  1. Mount the ESCs using double-sided tape.
  2. Connect the power wires of the ESC to the Power Distribution Board (PDB).
  3. Attach the three wires from the ESC to the motors. The order can be adjusted later if necessary.

Connecting the Battery

Properly connecting your battery is essential for providing power to all components. Use a high-quality connector and ensure that the battery is securely mounted to avoid disconnections during flight.

Soldering Tips and Techniques

Soldering is fundamental in creating durable and reliable connections. Here are some tips:

  • Use a well-maintained soldering iron.
  • Choose the right solder for the job — typically a rosin-core solder meant for electronics.
  • Heat the joint, not the solder, to create a smooth solder joint.

Always ensure your work area is well-ventilated when soldering.

Installing the Propellers

Choosing the Right Propellers

Selecting the right propellers is crucial for optimal drone performance. Consider the size, shape, and material of the propellers based on your drone’s specifications. Different designs can significantly affect thrust and efficiency, making it essential to choose wisely to achieve the desired flight characteristics.

Balancing for Optimal Performance

Proper balancing of the propellers is essential to ensure smooth operation and to prevent unnecessary vibrations. Use a propeller balancer to check each propeller and make adjustments as needed. This step is crucial for maintaining the longevity of your drone’s motors and improving overall flight stability.

Attachment Procedure

When attaching propellers, ensure they are tightened correctly but not over-tightened. The direction of the motor (CW or CCW) should correspond with the propeller type. This alignment helps the propellers to self-tighten during flight, which can prevent them from loosening. Always double-check that the propellers are pushing air downward to maintain proper lift and stability.

Programming and Calibration

Flashing the Flight Controller

Flashing the flight controller is the first step in programming your quadcopter. This involves uploading the necessary firmware that will dictate the behavior of your drone. Ensure that the firmware is compatible with your specific flight controller model. You can usually find this information on the manufacturer’s website.

Calibrating Sensors

Calibration of sensors is crucial for accurate flight control. Start by uploading the calibration code to your Arduino. Follow these steps:

  1. Upload the code called "calibrate_mag" to the Arduino.
  2. Open the Serial Monitor at 9600 baud and rotate your quadcopter slowly around the z-axis three times.
  3. Record the offset values displayed and insert them into your final flight controller code.

This process ensures that your drone responds accurately to directional changes and maintains stability during flight.

Setting Up the Transmitter

The final step in programming your quadcopter involves setting up the transmitter. This will allow you to control the drone manually. Make sure to pair the transmitter with the receiver correctly and configure all necessary controls. Testing the setup is essential to ensure that all components communicate effectively and the controls are responsive.

Final Assembly and Safety Checks

Securing Loose Components

Before your first flight, it’s crucial to ensure that all components of your quadcopter are securely fastened. Check all screws, bolts, and connections for tightness. Use thread-locking fluid where appropriate to prevent components from loosening due to vibration during flight.

Performing a Pre-flight Check

Performing pre-flight safety checks is crucial for a successful and accident-free flight. We will provide a comprehensive checklist to follow before takeoff, ensuring that you are well-prepared for a safe and enjoyable flying experience.

Safety Guidelines

Always ensure that your throttle is lower than the minimum required to arm the drone. This is a safety feature so that the quad doesn’t suddenly spin up the motors and hurt you when it’s armed.

Additionally, always perform a range check of your transmitter prior to flight to ensure that the communication between your transmitter and the drone is stable and within the operational range.

First Flight and Adjustments

Choosing a Suitable Location

Selecting the right location for your first flight is crucial. Ensure the area is spacious and free from obstacles. Avoid crowded places and ensure the location complies with local regulations.

Understanding Flight Dynamics

Understanding the basic flight dynamics is essential before your first takeoff. This knowledge will help you control the drone more effectively and anticipate its responses to your commands.

Making Necessary Adjustments

After your initial flight, review the drone’s performance. Adjust the PID settings if needed to improve stability and responsiveness. This iterative process is vital for optimizing your drone’s flight capabilities.

Remember, the first flight is about learning and adjustments. Take it slow and make necessary changes as you go.


Building your own brushed quadcopter can be a rewarding and educational experience, offering both challenges and triumphs. By following the detailed steps outlined in this guide, from assembling the frame to wiring the components and final calibration, you are now equipped to embark on your own DIY drone project. Remember, patience and careful attention to detail are key to successful assembly and operation. Whether for indoor flight adventures or as a stepping stone to more complex projects, your newly built brushed quadcopter is a testament to your dedication and skill in the fascinating world of drones.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the essential components needed to build a brushed quadcopter?

The essential components include a frame, brushed motors, a flight controller, ESCs (Electronic Speed Controllers), propellers, and a battery.

How do I choose the right frame for my brushed quadcopter?

Choose a lightweight frame that fits the size of your motors and has enough space to mount all other components. Materials like carbon fiber are preferred for their strength and lightness.

What is the difference between CW and CCW motors?

CW (Clockwise) and CCW (Counter-Clockwise) motors are designed to rotate in opposite directions. This balance is crucial for the stable flight of the quadcopter.

How do I properly solder the connectors for the motors and ESCs?

Use a good quality soldering iron and lead-free solder. Ensure the connectors are clean and apply a small amount of solder to them before joining. Heat both the wire and the connector evenly for a strong bond.

What steps should I follow for a pre-flight check?

Ensure all screws are tightened, the battery is fully charged, all connections are secure, and the propellers are mounted correctly. Also, check the calibration of your flight controller.

How do I balance the propellers for optimal performance?

Use a propeller balancer to ensure each propeller is balanced. Adjust by sanding the heavier side or adding tape to the lighter side until the propeller stays horizontal when placed on the balancer.

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